Lorain (Lora Rain) is an open-source project for a rain sensor that sends its data via LoRaWAN protocol. Aqua-Scope has financed the development of the product and provides all production documents free of charge on Github, where you can find the firmware as source code and the PCB data.  The idea behind it is that as many Makers as possible or even others install a Lorain, which in turn communicates via the community Lora network TTN and exchanges their data mutually. The information about the rain at a particular place is not private and therefore it is well suited for taking and giving. 
In this category, you can buy Lorain's complete product and various subcomponents.  
LoRain - complete kit
This rain sensor measures the amount of rain at its location in milliliters using a tipping bucket mechanism and transmits the quantity within a 15-minute interval with an accuracy of 0.5 mm of water column, along with the temperature. In the case of heavy rain exceeding 15 l/h, a heavy rain alarm is triggered promptly. Both the heavy rain threshold and the measurement interval are configurable. The device is entirely open-source, and both hardware and firmware can be downloaded from https://github.com/aqua-scope/lorain. The product is delivered as a kit with a pre-assembled circuit board and casing. Only the connections to the battery compartment, the antenna, and the reed sensor for rain detection need to be soldered. The device is controlled via LoRaWAN commands and operates as a LoRaWAN Class A device. The use of the device requires LoRaWAN network coverage. Otherwise, you need to install and operate your own LoRaWAN gateway. The sensor is powered by two AAA batteries. The provided VARTA batteries allow for an approximate runtime of about 2 years. A low battery level is reported wirelessly, allowing for battery replacement before the device shuts down.

Delivery time 1-3 days

Product number RANLWE01_E1


LoRain Housing
Lorain base housing is made of plastic in unobtrusive dark gray. The housing consists of the base part with a small spirit level to allow a clean installation on a flat place. Also built into the base housing is the waterproof bottom housing for the electronics and the water rocker for measuring the water. A cover with the water funnel is placed over the base housing. The electronics base housing holds the Lorain circuit board and two AAA batteries.   

Delivery time 1-3 days

Product number RANLWE01-E2


LoRain Rain Gauge for LoRaWAN
This rain gauge measures the amount of rain at its location in milliliters using a tipping bucket mechanism and transmits the quantity within a 15-minute interval with an accuracy of 0.5 mm of water column, along with the temperature. In the case of heavy rain exceeding 15 l/h, a heavy rain alarm is triggered promptly. Both the heavy rain threshold and the measurement interval are configurable. The device is entirely open-source, and both hardware and firmware can be downloaded from https://github.com/aqua-scope/lorain. The device is controlled via LoRaWAN commands and operates as a LoRaWAN Class A device. The use of the device requires LoRaWAN network coverage. Otherwise, you need to install and operate your own LoRaWAN gateway. The device is powered by two AAA batteries. The provided VARTA batteries allow for an approximate runtime of about 2 years. A low battery level is reported wirelessly, allowing for battery replacement before the device shuts down.

Delivery time 1-3 days

Product number RANLWE01
